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Get your favorite blanket today

At D3 Home Modern Furniture, we sell a wide array of top-quality blankets made of cotton and wool. They are available in different colors, patterns, and sizes, allowing you to find a blanket that will match the rest of the bedroom design and add a personal touch to the space. You can either purchase them directly in our showroom in San Diego or order them online and have them shipped to your address in one of the 48 states we cover.


Shop D3 Home Modern Furniture Online

All our products are available nationwide! We ship across 48 states, so wherever you live, you can go online, pick your favorite blanket, and place an order. We’ll process it within 72 hours and get back to you.

Explore our shipping options

Shop D3 Home Modern Furniture Online

All our products are available nationwide! We ship across 48 states, so wherever you live, you can go online, pick your favorite blanket, and place an order. We’ll process it within 72 hours and get back to you.

Explore our shipping options