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Interior decorating is effortless with D3 Home Modern Furniture. All you have to do is choose one of our 48 shipping locations, pick your furniture, and we’ll confirm your order in 72 hours.

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Shop D3 Home Modern Furniture online

Interior decorating is effortless with D3 Home Modern Furniture. All you have to do is choose one of our 48 shipping locations, pick your furniture, and we’ll confirm your order in 72 hours.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How do I maximize storage in a small house? 

Shelving gains a whole new significance if you live in a small house or apartment in San Diego. If you feel like you never have enough room for all your belongings, the following tips may help:

  • Declutter regularly: Sometimes, it’s not the lack of storage that makes your space feel cramped and tight. You may simply have too much stuff laying around! If that’s the case, make sure to throw out any unnecessary items every now and then.
  • Use your hallway space: Hallways are typically narrow and rarely offer much space. However, adding a convenient storage bench or sideboard is a practical way to save space and store all your shoes, bags, coats, or your pet’s stuff.
  • Get versatile storage solutions: at D3 Home Modern Furniture, we offer a wide range of storage options perfect for even the smallest indoor spaces. Ladder shelves, for instance, are a great way to maximize usable space and display all your trinkets.
  • Buy wall-mounted storage: if you have many books but don’t have space for a regular bookcase, then a wall-mount shelf would be the perfect choice for you. What’s more, you can also use your wall-mounted shelving to store magazines, trinkets, or anything else you’d like.

Buy wall-mounted storage: if you have many books but don’t have space for a regular bookcase, then a wall-mount shelf would be the perfect choice for you. What’s more, you can also use your wall-mounted shelving to store magazines, trinkets, or anything else you’d like.

How do I add storage to my living room? 

Your living room is the heart of your home. It’s probably the place where you and your family spend most of your time, and the first room your guests will typically see. If you want to enhance your living room space, adding convenient and contemporary shelving is one of the first steps you should take. Some popular storage solutions include:

  • Wall-mounted cubby shelves can add a chic touch to your space and store everything from books and magazines to candles and photo frames.
  • Cabinets allow you to display your favorite pieces while keeping them safe from dust. You can find numerous display cabinets and cupboards at our San Diego showroom.
  • In addition to being the perfect stylish footrests, storage ottomans are also a convenient way to stash away everything you don’t want to display in your living room.
  • Vertical shelves come in many shapes and sizes. At D3 Home Modern Furniture of San Diego, you can find eco-friendly shelving that matches your decor and fits your taste.

Vertical shelves come in many shapes and sizes. At D3 Home Modern Furniture of San Diego, you can find eco-friendly shelving that matches your decor and fits your taste.

Where should shelves be placed in the living room? 

Shelving solutions are not just convenient, but they can also be fantastic decorative pieces. If you wish to achieve an aesthetically pleasing look in your home and maximize the available space at the same time, you will have to think about where you want to place your modern shelves.

There are endless ways to go about this, but the placement will mainly depend on your personal preferences and the layout of your space in San Diego. For instance, built-in shelves can be a great choice if the architecture of your living room includes a hole in the wall. You can also incorporate a low shelf and use the top surface as a table or for displaying your favorite pieces.

How can I decorate my shelves? 

There are no rules when it comes to decorating shelves. How you choose to use your shelving is entirely up to you, but you can achieve fantastic results if you keep your overall color scheme in mind when deciding on the items you wish to display. If you are a book lover, you can add a colorful touch to your space by arranging the books based on their colors. Or if, let’s say, your living room has rustic decor, you should display items that match this overall style.

If you need help finding suitable shelves for sale to enhance your San Diego residence, don’t hesitate to consult with our design experts at D3 Home Modern Furniture. Our staff is well-versed in interior design and would be happy to help you decide on the best pieces for your home.

Where can I find modern shelving for sale in San Diego? 

Right here at D3 Home Modern Furniture! Our furniture selection includes sustainably sourced items from numerous renowned interior design brands. We carry various shelving and storage solutions you are sure to love, as well as:

If you are looking for chic and sustainable furniture pieces, visit our showroom or explore our online selection. We can ship your preferred pieces to any of our 48 shipping locations, so feel free to reach out no matter where you live in the country. Contact us today!